University Lecturers and Staff

As with other educational professionals it is imperative to understand the pension and benefit schemes of professionals within universities and the USS scheme that many universities adopt. With recent changes to the pension scheme and also to that in pension legislation, it is more important than ever to review your current position and ensure your schemes are working both for you and your objective but also tax efficiently.

Through my experience I find it common that some lecturers may lecture part-time and therefore understanding how all remuneration and benefits can complement each other and continue to work for them is considered through the advice I give.

Whatever stage of life you may be at, a personal one to one will ensure that your finances are arranged in a way that is working toward your priorities. Given the demands of such a busy working life many don’t have the time to dedicate to it and this is where I can help. My clients tell me that planning for a secure future for them and their family is one of the most important steps they have ever taken.